The therapist works with you to help examine and unpack issues and matters of importance to you to find ways forward and solutions that make sense and are useful in your life.

The base of the counselling psychotherapy that I offer comes from a person-centred (also called client-centred and experiential approach. This work is influenced by the ideas of psychologist Carl Rogers. It is based on the belief that individuals have the innate capacity for growth, self-awareness, and positive change. The focus of person-centered therapy is on the person’s their unique perspective of the world and supporting them to develop in a way that helps them address issues they are facing.  I also integrate some other perspectives and ways of working recognised as useful in counselling and helping people.  I will help you by creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment where you feel safe, accepted and in control. Together, we can then work on you understanding your feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

The work we do together will not be about me provide advice or ‘telling you what to do’. Through active listening, reflection, and empathic understanding, I will help you to gain insight, develop self-acceptance, reflect and consider different issues, and make positive changes to your life.

As noted above, counselling psychotherapy is often used to address a wide range of issues. Some of these that I work with include, but not limited to:

  • Anxiety,
  • Depression,
  • Abuse and trauma, including coercive control and recovery from harmful or damaging relationships,
  • Relationship difficulties,
  • Self-esteem issues,
  • Coming to terms with physical or other changes in life, such as the onset or living with chronic illness, disability, or pain,
  • Midlife challenges,
  • Bereavement issues.

Where relevant, and with your full agreement, I also integrate some other techniques, such as relaxation. By exploring your thoughts and feelings in a safe and supportive environment, you can develop the tools and resources you need to cope with life’s challenges.

Each person’s journey is unique, and I will work with you to develop a therapy plan that meets your individual needs and goals. Many clients gain great benefit from 6-8 sessions of counselling psychotherapy and do not feel they need more, but in some cases, you might decide you need slightly longer, depending on the issues you want to address and what you wish to achieve. Please call me to discuss your needs and whether therapy is appropriate for you.

I work with adults (18+). I mainly work online through platforms such as Zoom, but can also see you face-to-face if you prefer, with rooms available in either Birmingham or Cheshire. The fee for Counselling Psychotherapy is £50 per online 55-minute session and £60 per face-to face session.

How can I be of help?

What positive changes would you like to achieve in your life?
  • Perhaps you want to tackle difficult feelings such as anxiety, depression, or confusion?
  • Maybe current life events have been challenging and you are trying to plan how to move forward?
  • Perhaps you want to address issues from the past and how they affect you today?
Sometimes we all need a little help and support. I offer counselling psychotherapy and/or hypnotherapy to aid you in addressing ongoing issues you want to focus upon and resolve. I work with adults (18+). I mainly work online through platforms such as Zoom, but can also see you face-to-face if you prefer, with rooms available in either Birmingham or Cheshire.
Some of the concerns that counselling psychotherapy can help with include anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, anger, chronic illness and pain, relationship breakdown and change, trauma and abuse (including domestic violence/abuse, coercive control, present or recent abuse historical abuse from the past), chronic pain or coming to terms with disability or long-term conditions (such as fibromyalgia, CFS, long Covid), midlife issues, and bereavement.
In addition to this, I use hypnotherapy to address areas such as, depression, anxiety and stress, insomnia, addictions, breaking unwanted habits, smoking cessation, weight loss, fears, phobias, confidence issues, public speaking and irritative bowel syndrome.

Geraldine’s Counselling Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training and Experience

  • Trained to Postgraduate Diploma level in person-centred and experiential counselling and psychotherapy (Liverpool John Moores University, 2022),
  • A qualified clinical hypnotherapist practitioner, having trained at the Central England College of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Birmingham (2003),
  • A Licentiate of the Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy and of the National Register of Psychotherapists and Counsellors,
  • An individual member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, and I follow and am bound by their ethical and professional standards.

I have worked in community and youth contexts and am also a professor in higher education, having researched and taught in the field of abuse and trauma for 30 years. I have counselled clients who have experienced abuse and very challenging life experiences, and additionally have trained therapists around working with clients who have experienced controlling harmful relationships.

If you are interested in Counselling Psychotherapy

 Please fill in the enquiry form so I can contact you to discuss your needs and requirements.